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I am a creative frontend developer, I specialise in React, GLSL, postprocessing and R3F. I love to experiment with code and deal with complex topics.

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Floodfill Growth Patterns with Decals and Dynamic Shaders

Immerse yourself in a world of captivating growth patterns through a shadertoy ported floodfill-powered solution. Seamlessly blending custom meshes, intricate decals, offscreen rendering and dynamic rendering techniques, the innovative approach unlocks a new level of visual artistry. Unleash your creativity as you harness the power of custom meshes and decals to shape and influence the growth, creating unique visuals. Discover the potential of floodfill-driven shaders and elevate your projects with this dynamic and immersive experience.

May 20th, 2023 · 2 min read

Dynamic Flow Map Painter in R3F - Create Stunning Visualizations with Real-Time Interactivity

Discover the power of a dynamic flow map painter in @react-three/fiber, the cutting-edge JavaScript technique for 3D graphics. With real-time interactivity, you can create stunning visualizations of your flowing entities. All done in real time!

April 29th, 2023 · 2 min read
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